July 3, 2009

Michael Jackson. A long, but must read.


The person,
skip the legend.

A hauntingly tormented, yet inconceivable loving heart...
in constant turmoil. A heart that would grow so big, only to be dissected so maliciously. A heart that would break itself over and over again, till it finally won. Eight days ago ironically, it did.

A heart trying to recover any fragile piece, it could be put back in stride. A heart tossed around like a toy, battling to find itself- in its own right place. A heart destroyed by its inadequacy to just BE, a heart that wanted so much, and, a world that took it all.

Life of epic proportions, cant be written of
in some brief paragraphs. I encourage you to read
if your interested. Insight/views on events,
his passing, and mainly; this man's incomparable
humanity. I honestly know in my gut, Michael
was an amazing human being. Most opinions can get
rather controversial when it comes to such the
"rise and fall" But I truly feel, I somewhat personally
understand, the notoriously misunderstood Michael Jackson.

At first it didn't hit me...
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